16 very personal reasons not commit scientific fraud - title

16 very personal reasons not to commit scientific fraud

We all know that scientific fraud is bad for science and society in general. However, apart from these general considerations, it is necessary and effective to make young scientists aware that scientific misconduct ruins their personal integrity and destroys their careers. The following 16 personal reasons will convince most young scientists that scientific misconduct is a bad idea.

Is it possible to be a parent and have a career in research - title

Is it possible to be a parent and have a career in research?

Many young researchers struggle with their work-life balance. Especially for researchers with a family, it is challenging to divide their time and energy between home and work. The question, “Is it possible to be a parent and have a career in research?” keeps many researchers up at night.

Pressure or pleasure – what produces better science?

Pressure or pleasure – what produces better science?

A huge body of scientific evidence shows that happy team members produce better results. However, most PhD students and postdocs are stressed by peer pressure, high demands from their supervisors, potentially insufficient supervision, and a high degree of uncertainty about their future careers. Is it better to make them all happy?

Four myths about scientists that let you work too much - title

Four myths about scientists that let you work too much!

For many researchers, science is a passion and, for some, even a calling. However, the status of sciences as “something you do for passion” is often abused by supervisors and institutions to justify bad working conditions. Unveil some myths about ‘science as a job you should do for free’ – you may take them for granted without knowing it.

The most intelligent strategy to get hired in science - title

The most intelligent strategy to get hired in science

Are you nervous not to find a job? Does the insecurity nearly kill you? Are you sending out hundreds of applications without success? Stop wasting your time and change your approach. Intelligent job search and application costs time and effort but has a much higher chance of success.

Social media profiles are bad for most scientists-title

Public social media profiles are bad for most scientists!

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and TicToc are everywhere. Many scientists wonder whether they are missing out on something and ask themselves: “Should I create public LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and TicToc profiles as a scientist?”  The surprising answer is “No”!

Seven deadly sins that kill your grant proposal - title

Seven deadly sins that kill your grant proposal

How to get more funding? Avoid these mistakes! Writing grant proposals in life sciences is tedious, and evaluating grant proposals is even more tedious. Quite often, the reviewers end up with a small number of outstanding proposals and a vast number of excellent proposals, which have to be ranked based on tiny differences in quality.