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I am just an average scientist – what can I do?

You see these big science stars who publish in Nature and Science. They have huge grants, a massive machinery of high-class technology, and a big team of highly ambitious postdocs and PhD students who hope to publish in Nature or Science. However, you are not like that. How do you handle feelings of inferiority when you compare yourself to these science stars? And how do you become better anyway?

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How to get over narcissistic abuse by a supervisor?

If you feel like you’re always walking on eggshells, your supervisor may be a narcissist and abuse you emotionally. Narcissists often use manipulation, control, and gaslighting to keep their staff members in line. Characteristic signs include micromanagement, excessive control, constant criticism, and put-downs. What can you do to get over narcissistic abuse?

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Career or Contribution – what is more important?

Everybody struggles with the same dilemma. Do I focus on my career or on my scientific contributions? If I concentrate on my advancement, I am seen as selfish. Yet, if I focus on my contributions, I will be outperformed by the career guys. How can you combine your career aspirations and your scientific contributions?

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How Long Does It Take To Complete a Doctorate?

Have you ever wondered, “How many years does it take to earn a doctoral degree?” If you are considering a PhD, it is crucial to understand the time commitment involved. In this article, I will unpack the complexities of the PhD journey, offering a detailed breakdown of the various factors that influence the time it takes to receive this advanced degree.


12 strategies to combine a science career with a good family life

Many young parents in science have a strong feeling of guilt when they try to combine a successful scientific career with a healthy family life. However, there are many good examples of parents who succeeded. Integrate these 12 strategies into your life to enjoy your family and a career in science.

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Is being a professor worth it?

Being a professor is amazing because of the intellectual fulfillment derived from research and teaching, the societal impact, and academic freedom. However, the journey to a professorship may strain your personal life and finances because it is hard work, the academic job market is competitive, and it takes a long time to get a tenure-track position.