Should I Quit My Postdoc? Or Should I Finish It?
If you have doubts about whether to stay or leave your postdoc position, quitting your postdoc can be daunting. But it can also be a great opportunity to move forward in your career.
If you have doubts about whether to stay or leave your postdoc position, quitting your postdoc can be daunting. But it can also be a great opportunity to move forward in your career.
Writing a research paper or a review can be a pleasure or a pain. If you manage your energy and time well, you can dramatically speed up your writing. What are the best tips and easy steps to write a research paper faster and more efficiently?
Academic tenure is fundamental to higher education, offering professors permanent employment and job security to protect academic freedom. This status allows professors to explore, teach, and publish without fear of repercussions and promotes an environment for innovative and potentially controversial research. Achieving tenure involves a rigorous review of teaching, research, and service contributions.
Young scientists often struggle with the problem of being obliged to include authors in the author list who may not have contributed substantially – or not all. In particular, partners who only provide technology, patient samples, genetically modified organisms, or general infrastructure may be a reason for debate, although the research would be impossible without their contribution. How can you handle this problem?
A postdoc, or postdoctoral position, is a key stage in the academic career path for those who have completed a doctoral degree and want to pursue a career in research. It provides an opportunity for training, mentored research, and professional development to further refine skills and pursue a career in academia, research institutes, or the private sector.
Young scientists often get conflicting advice on how they should publish. Every generation of young scientists has to address similar questions: Should I publish several smaller papers or focus on one big paper with a high impact factor? What is the effect of my publication strategy on my scientific career and the possibility of raising grant money? How important is my publication list for a non-academic career?
Raising research funding is an essential skill that makes you attractive for positions in industry and academia. However, at the beginning of your career, you are often not eligible, and you are confronted with a dilemma: Either risk not getting the grant or submitting it under the name of your supervisor. What should you do?
Stress is a rather typical aspect of most research projects because every research project has five characteristic emotional phases: You start with naïve enthusiasm, become competent and disillusioned, you want to give up (the stress phase, slump or dip), you recover, and finally, you round up and exit. How do you survive PhD stress and postdoc stress?
Negotiating an excellent salary is crucial because it sets the foundation for your long-term career satisfaction and financial security. A well-negotiated salary boosts your morale, leading to greater motivation and productivity and reflecting your organizational value. However, effective salary negotiation requires preparation and strategy. The following negotiation books might help you negotiate a higher salary or better conditions.
Young researchers are often disoriented about what they should do with their expertise and whether they will find a job after their doctorate or postdoc. The good news is that the unemployment rate of PhD holders is surprisingly low. The bad news is that young scientists often do not work in the field they have expected.