Should I admit that I want to become a professor title

Should I admit that I want to become a professor?

Many PhD students and most postdocs want to pursue a career in academia. However, is it a good idea to admit that you want to become a professor? Would you appear overambitious or pretentious? Or does it ruin your career to hide your ambitions from potential mentors and decision-makers? What should you do?

Should I become a long term postdoc - title

Should I become a long-term postdoc?

Becoming a long-term postdoc – isn’t this attractive? When discussing career paths in life sciences with postdocs, we hear on a regular basis the wish to escape from the “rat race of the professors” by accepting a kind of long-term senior postdoc position in academia. The idea is to obtain a permanent position (and thus a safe job in economic turbulent times), which encompasses at the same time an intellectually stimulating and creative profession with some (but not too many) responsibilities. Is this what you want?

Best books on salary negotiation and getting a raise

Best books on salary negotiation and getting a raise

Negotiating an excellent salary is crucial because it sets the foundation for your long-term career satisfaction and financial security. A well-negotiated salary boosts your morale, leading to greater motivation and productivity and reflecting your organizational value. However, effective salary negotiation requires preparation and strategy. The following negotiation books might help you negotiate a higher salary or better conditions.

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Why Salary Matters in Science Careers

Scientists often shy away from discussing money and salary, considering it a taboo topic that distracts from pursuing knowledge and discovery. However, the reality is that salary plays a substantial role in job satisfaction and overall career success for scientists in academia and industry. What should you do?