Should I Publish Negative Results title

Should I publish negative results, or does this ruin my career?

Scientists often produce negative results. All experiments were done correctly – but there was no difference between test and control. They get conflicting advice from supervisors and ethicists. Some say that publishing negative results is a waste of resources and ruins their scientific careers. Others say that ‘not publishing negative results is unethical’. What should young scientists do in such a situation?

How to become a professor - title

How to become a professor? A 10-step career guide!

Being a professor is amazing: a lot of academic freedom to investigate and teach exciting subjects and a secure salary until retirement. However, obtaining this position can be pretty strenuous, and many young scientists do not know the requirements to qualify for such a position. In this article, I give you 10 essential parameters a selection committee will evaluate when selecting a new professor.

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How Long Does It Take To Complete a Doctorate?

Have you ever wondered, “How many years does it take to earn a doctoral degree?” If you are considering a PhD, it is crucial to understand the time commitment involved. In this article, I will unpack the complexities of the PhD journey, offering a detailed breakdown of the various factors that influence the time it takes to receive this advanced degree.

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Dental school vs medical school vs life sciences – Should I study Medicine, Dentistry, or Life Sciences?

Medicine, dentistry, or life sciences may have a similar appeal when deciding on your career path. Your choice will depend massively on your interests, talents, and long-term goals. See below for a comparison of the pros and cons of the three career paths to better decide what you truly want.

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Masters vs PhD – What’s the best degree for me?

In the US, a Master’s degree is not required for a PhD – unlike most European countries, where it is a prerequisite. Thus, in the US, deciding between a Master’s degree and a PhD can be a challenging question. By understanding the distinction, you can determine which program aligns best with your aspirations and goals. This article will provide insights into the structure, requirements, and outcomes of both degrees, helping you make an informed decision.