pa vs md salary - title

PA vs MD salary – are the differences relevant?

The salary differences between Physician Assistants (PAs) and Medical Doctors (MDs) in the US and Europe are significant, reflecting the disparities in years of medical school, residency programs, advanced degrees, and the scope of medical practice responsibilities. To decide which career to choose not only based on salary, it is necessary to understand both job profiles in depth.

What is a postdoc - title

What is a Postdoc? The Next Step After Your PhD!

A postdoc, or postdoctoral position, is a key stage in the academic career path for those who have completed a doctoral degree and want to pursue a career in research. It provides an opportunity for training, mentored research, and professional development to further refine skills and pursue a career in academia, research institutes, or the private sector.

What is the best publication strategy in science - title

What is the best publication strategy in science?

Young scientists often get conflicting advice on how they should publish. Every generation of young scientists has to address similar questions: Should I publish several smaller papers or focus on one big paper with a high impact factor? What is the effect of my publication strategy on my scientific career and the possibility of raising grant money? How important is my publication list for a non-academic career?

Best books on salary negotiation and getting a raise

Best books on salary negotiation and getting a raise

Negotiating an excellent salary is crucial because it sets the foundation for your long-term career satisfaction and financial security. A well-negotiated salary boosts your morale, leading to greater motivation and productivity and reflecting your organizational value. However, effective salary negotiation requires preparation and strategy. The following negotiation books might help you negotiate a higher salary or better conditions.

Will I find a job as a scientist - title

Will I find a job as a scientist?

Young researchers are often disoriented about what they should do with their expertise and whether they will find a job after their doctorate or postdoc. The good news is that the unemployment rate of PhD holders is surprisingly low. The bad news is that young scientists often do not work in the field they have expected. 

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Job interview outfits in science – what to wear?

Job interview outfits in science differ from those in other industries. In academia, basic scientists may underdress, while doctors and clinical researchers tend to overdress. Traditional attire may suit big pharma and established tech firms, while start-ups may favor smart-casual looks, and the social sector might value approachable attire.

How to choose the best postdoc position - title

How to choose the best postdoc position?

Choosing the best postdoc position for your future career in science is essential. However, most young scientists have no plan for finding the position(s) that fit best and choosing with care. Several key questions will help you find the postdoc position that fits your needs, talents, and skills.

How to ask for a letter of recommendation - title

How to ask for a letter of recommendation?

We all know the problem – you need a letter of recommendation – but you do not know whom to ask and how to ask. In many contexts, letters of recommendation are required, such as applications for scholarships, fellowships, grants, new positions, awards and honors, and professional development programs. In this article, you will find the open secrets of asking the right person to write you a great letter of recommendation – even if you do not know the person yet.

Should I admit that I want to become a professor title

Should I admit that I want to become a professor?

Many PhD students and most postdocs want to pursue a career in academia. However, is it a good idea to admit that you want to become a professor? Would you appear overambitious or pretentious? Or does it ruin your career to hide your ambitions from potential mentors and decision-makers? What should you do?